Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Caving Cornfeed

This past saturday, I spent the day in a hole in the ground with my good buddies BK, Josh, Lynn their fam.  Every year the Minnesota Speleological Survey hosts an annual get together at Forestville/Mystery Cave state park.  BK and Josh had been encouraging me to join them for a few years and I was finally able to.  Good times were had!

BK with nice clean caving attire.

The Jump.  A few of us chickened out on advancing through here.  You need to dive across the 60ft deep crevice and land on the small ledge of dirt under the overhang on the left side of the picture.   It was early in the day.  Had this been later, I think we would have went for it.  

Inside the Dragon's Jaw

Ferrying across the lake after Dragons Jaw.  

Josh tasting some bat terds that were stuck on Art's sleeve.  

Janelle works her way through The Formation Route

Josh in the Formation Passage

BK behind Blue Lake

You end up a little dirty